Design for a Co-Creative World

アントレプレナーシップ育成|Entrepreneurship Training

アントレプレナーシップ育成について|About Entrepreneurship Training


  1. 社会のニーズや変化を敏感に取り入れ
  2. 自分の能力や興味を結びつけ
  3. あらゆるリソースを駆使して自分の住む社会に関連する問題を解決に導く思考・行動する


The everchanging dynamic society we now live in calls for the kind of attitude and thinking to challenges exisiting norms or traditions and create new value (our take on entrpreneurship).

  1. Awareness / understanding of shifting trends and needs in society
  2. Connect one’s interests an/or abilities
  3. The mentality and action to make full use of one’s resources and solve social challenges

We believe that besides the traditional conditions of leadership often promoted by elite institutes and evaluation-based systems, the true necessary conditions for a “glocal leader” is the ability to think and act with two feet on the ground where it matters most.
Leveraging off both our theoretical backbone based in North America and our on the ground field for business practices in ASEAN countries, Habataku continues to provide entrepreneurship training services.




ハバタクではMITの名だたる起業家を輩出しているアントレプレナーセンターであるMartin Trust Centerと協力し、日本およびアジアのアントレプレナーシップ教育への展開を進めています。

そのメソッド”Disciplined Entrepreneurship”は、MIT上席講師Bill Aulet氏が世界で初めて「起業は才能や運ではなく、学び取ることができる」と提唱し体系化されたものです。


Habataku are promoting the development of entrepreneurship training programs in Japan and across Asia in cooperation with the Martin Trust Center (the birthplace of countless serial entrepreneurs) at MIT.

It’s method ”Disciplined Entrepreneurship” developed by Senior Lecturer and Managing Director Bill Aulet is founded on the principle that “Entrepreneurship can be taught!” and is not limited to a select group of individuals with the so-called “entrepreneruship gene”.

The roadmap to a successful tartup laid out in the 24 Steps24 does not focus merely on the drive of the entrepreneur or individual but on pursuing answers to the fundamental questions of “Who do you want to make happy?” “What needs and challenges are there in society?” and is in this way an appropriate/ideal framework to apply in for-education and/or for-business emtrepreneurship training programs


ハバタクでは、ものづくり教育の最先端メソッドを世界に発信しつづけるタフツ大学CEEO(Center for Engineering Education and Outreach)と協力し、「手を動かしながら考え、アイデアをかたちにしていくイノベーションプロセス」をプログラムに取り入れています。


Habataku incorporates the experience of “thinking in movement and building ideas into form” into the innovation process throughout our programs in cooperation with CEEO(Center for Engineering Education and Outreach) at Tufts University who are at the forefront of hands-on methodologies of learning

No matter how high one’s issue awareness or creative ability may be, it comes to little use if the idea can not be put into some form that then translates into value. It is this confidence and feedback gained from the understanding that “What I made made someone happy” that mark the first steps in the development of entrepreneurs = individuals who create new value in society.
