グローバル化が待ったなしで進行するいま、自身の価値観やビジョンをもちながらお互いの強みを活かして新たな価値を創造できるグローカルリーダーの育成が急務です。ハバタクは高校生・大学生を対象とした越境型プログラムの提供を通して、”Have a Takt!(自分の人生は自分で切り拓く)”な人生のきっかけ創出に貢献します。
The students of today need learning experiences that are designed for the future, not built on past models of success which no longer apply.
Our training programs for high school・univeristy students aim to develop students into ‘glocal’ leaders; individuals who can design their own ‘roadmap’ to success (“Have a Takt!”) and co-create new value with diverse people.