As creatives of new learning experiences, Habataku creates learning experiences that will infinitely expand each individual’s possibility all over the world.
We envision a co-creative world where individuals design their own lives and collaborate with one another to build a more desirable future.

一人ひとりが自分の人生の指揮を執り(Have a Takt!)、共同体(身の回り)の課題を自分ごととして捉え、未来を共創していく世界に向けて、ハバタクは挑戦を続けます。
Globalization is making us more connected than ever before and technology is now advancing at accelerating rates, transforming the the way we live our lives. The future ahead of us is now filled with both enormous potential and great uncertainty, with increasingly complex social challenges emerging across the globe.
We believe such a world calls for the rise of a more co-creative generation of individuals; individuals who can think for themselves in designing their own lives (Have a Takt!), and collaborate with one another to build a more desirable future.
〜Design for a Co-Creative World〜
Shifting the way people think and act through “Co-creative Learning”

Our mission is to provide educational training experiences (programs, projects, platforms, etc) that immerse participants into creative learning environments with diverse people.
Such “co-creative learning” experiences are designed to trigger fundamental shifts in the way people think (OS) and act (learn/work), and form the building blocks for a more “co-creative world”.

We think “learning” is best captured in the experience of exploring things outside one’s common boundaries and creating something new. Opportunities for learning therefore exist beyond our schools and our homes, but in the act of diving into unknown territories and collaborating with others.
However, of industrial revolution and periods of economic growth have over time created rigid educational models that limit the potential for learning . Such systems are now outdated by over a century and no longer what the world demands.
Instead, to better prepare individuals for a more dynamic future, we design “Co-Creative Learning” experiences that immerse participants into creative learning environments with diverse people.
Learning to us is a lifelong endeavour, and “Co-Creative Learning” is our approach.

Creative and diverse learning environments require intricate design and coordination. At Habataku, we specialise in four components of learning design, applying innovative know-how and cooperating with leading institutions in the field.
- 名称:
- ハバタク株式会社 (Habataku Inc.)
- 共同代表:
- 丑田俊輔, 小原祥嵩
- 住所:
- [本社]
- 〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-21 ちよだプラットフォームスクウェア
- [秋田支店]
- 〒018-1713 秋田県南秋田郡五城目町馬場目字蓬内台 117番地1
- [ベトナム支店]
- 7BF Platinum Building, 145 Dien Bien Phu Street, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
- 資本金:
- 800万円
- 設立年月:
- 2010年10月
- 事業内容:
- 「共創的な学び」を軸にしたあらゆる活動
- Corporate Name:
- Habataku.inc
- Co-founders:
- Shunsuke Ushida, Yoshitaka Ohara
- Address:
- [Headquarters]
- Chiyoda Platform Square, 3-21, Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- [Akita Branch]
- 117-1, Aza Yomoginaidai, Babame, Gojomemachi, Akita-gun, Akita, Japan
- [Vietnam Branch]
- 7BF Platinum Building, 145 Dien Bien Phu Street, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minc City, Viet Nam
- Capital:
- JPY 8,000,000
- Founded:
- Oct. 2010
- Our Sevices:
- All activities centered on ‘co-creative learning’

社名の「ハバタク」には、これから世界に「羽ばたく」人の成長にコミットすると同時に、“Have a Takt !” = 「自らの人生の指揮棒(タクト)をとっていこう」という私たちの願いが込められています。
[Vision behind company name]
“Habataku” means “flapping wings (into the sky)” in Japanese, and is also a homonym of “have a Takt (conductor’s baton)”. This represents our commitment to support the development of individuals who wish to explore their dreams and design their own paths to success.
- 秋田オフィス Akita Branch
- ベトナムオフィス Vietnam Branch

共同代表 Co-founder
丑田 俊輔
Shunsuke Ushida
学生時代、プラットフォームサービス ㈱ の立ち上げに参画。千代田区の公共施設をリノベーションし、インキュベーション拠点として再生。その後、日本IBM ㈱ にてコンサルタントとしてグローバル戦略を担当。ハバタクでは、様々な領域を横断しながら「新しい学び」の創出を連続的に手がける。秋田県五城目町在住。
Participated in the launch of Platform Service Co., Ltd. during my school days. Renovate public facilities in Chiyoda Ward and regenerate as an incubation base. After that, in charge of global strategy as a consultant at IBM Japan Co., Ltd. Habatak continuously creates “new learning” while crossing various areas. I live and live in Gokjime-machi, Akita Prefecture.

共同代表 Co-founder
小原 祥嵩
Yoshitaka Ohara
大学・大学院では非線形力学を専攻し、木星の衛星エウロパの表面地形形成メカニズムを研究。卒業後、日本IBM ㈱ にて、戦略コンサルタントとして複数業界・業種のクライアントに対する組織・業務変革の支援を行う。ハバタクではベトナムを拠点に各国のネットワークを活かした学習環境デザイン・研究領域を担当。
In college / graduate school, he majored in nonlinear dynamics and studied the surface topography formation mechanism of Jupiter’s satellite Europa. As a strategic consultant at IBM Japan Co., Ltd., after graduation, we support organizational change and business transformation for clients in multiple industries and industries. In Habatak, he is responsible for Learning Environment Design and Research Area based on Vietnamese network of each country.
We strive to position ourselves at the forefront of innovation by working in coopertion with leading institutions and innovators both globally and locally.