私のにくきもの① in ホーチミンシティ

清 少納言が記した随筆、枕草子の中に、にくきものという作品があります。これは、平安時代の生活における”にくきもの”すなわち、”きらいなもの””いやなこと”を集めて記した随筆です。


In essay,Makuranosoushi,written by Sei syonagon,There is a work called Nikukimono.
In this work,there is written about can’t stand and dislike thing in her Heian Period Life.
Diff region,Diff culture.Different culture occurs “Nukukimono”.It is natural.
so I have some Nikukimono. I’d like to write about this Topic several times.
Recenly,The thing troubleing me is ANT.Now I’m living in room-for-rent 5th floor.
Some how there is ants in my room here and there.
The ants in this country,very very little and I can’t kill by press.
I think The suitable expression is rubbing kill.
They are very little so they can enter from anyway.
There is no something to eat in my room…
I have a pain when it bite me.and swell up like bitten from mosquito.
When I’m sleeping they bite me mercilessly.
Now the solution for ant,there is  some different between japan and southeast asian countries.
In japan to against ant,we recall a product “arinosu korori”in general
In southeast asian countries popular solution for ant is poison chalk.
Ant can’t enter over the chalk.if they touched to chalk,they will get died immediately.
I feel cultural difference from this approach difference.
That is … Japan is fix from nest(root) and in contrast,in southeast asian countries do like stopgap solution.
Change stopgap things to root thing,This type of approach is may applicate in business.I think.
Stopgap solution in Vietnam,come to mind is about water.Supply way of water from water server is popular in this country.
Actually,to fix this problem,Japanese country is promoting to sell filtration device.(installed at Japanese ramen shop in Le thanh ton st.)
Promote more better solution for the problem.I feel that I touched a base of business from this small ant.


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